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Position:Home>History> Post WWII, What was the USA's plan for Europe? Soviet Union's?

Question: Post WWII, What was the USA's plan for Europe!? Soviet Union's!?
In my class we write like 7 page of notes every week, and I've looked over all of them just trying to find the answer to that stupid question!. Don't call me lazy or tell me I should do my own work, cause I can't really answer it if I have no clue what the answer is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The American Plan for Eurpope post wwII was called the Marshall Plan!. It involved investing billions of dollars in rebuilding Europe's infrastructure!.

I dont know what the Soviet Unions plan was called but could be called "closing the iron curtain" whereby eastern europeans became slave states to USSRWww@QuestionHome@Com

US wants to rebuild Europe and also stop the Communist influence by using Marshall Plan but Eastern European countries under Moscow's control didn't join and called the plan as "Dollar Imperialism"!.

USSR made a similar plan, the COMECON!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

US basically wants to get rid of communism [Marshall Plan] and SU basically wants to spread communism which lead to many problems like Vietnam war and Cuban missile crisis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com