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Position:Home>History> Similarities of women in the 1920s and today?

Question: Similarities of women in the 1920s and today!?
how are women today similar!?
and how are they different!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Women in the 1920's were similiar to the women of today!. It was in the 1920's that the broke free of the "Proper Woman Image" they started to show more emotion!. They became more outspoken!. Women began to enjoy themselves and they also began to show more skin!. However compared to todays standards they were quite covered up lol!. also they started to wear there hair shorter instead of extremely long like the prior eras!.

The only differences are that they were not quite as independent because they still lacked some civil liberties!. There are way more women in the workplace now then there were then!. Since they couldn't find jobs they were still dependent upon their husbands!. That is no longer a problem for todays women!. also the women smoked alot more back then because it was considered classy and sexy!. Today it is seen as the opposite!.

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're similar in that they were shocking to some people!. At that point in time it was shocking to see an ankle or a knee!.They are different in that they covered up more than they do today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com