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Position:Home>History> Plz help, history fact study sheet answers? i can't find these?

Question: Plz help, history fact study sheet answers!? i can't find these!?
so here are the questions that i can't find answers to or am not sure about
1!. the South American country that produces a great volume of wheat is _________!.
2!. More Indians live in __________ than in any other country of the world!.
3!. the one South American country that is still ruled by a European country is _________!.
4!. The most famous early South American Indian civilization was the ________ civilization!. ( i think it's inca)
5!.Both Spain and _______ claimed land in South America!.
6!.__________ was the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas!.
7!. __________ was the first European to sail from the Alantic to the Pacific Ocean!.
8!. South America is the _______ largest continent!. ( i think it's 3rd)

please help me!. i honestly could not find these!. in all there is 34 questions!. please helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Argentina

2!. Central Andean Mountain areas, Bolivia pop!. 9,247,816 (July 2008 est!.), Argentina pop!. 36,260,130 (2001), Peru pop!. 27!.9 million, Chile pop!. 16,454,143 (July 2008 est!.), Colombia pop!. 42,954,279!. Since the populations of these countries are of mixed ancestry it is difficult to determine which country has the largest Indian population!.

3!. May 26th,Independence!. The colony of British Guiana becomes independent of British rule, and is known as Guyana!.

4!. Inca

5!. Portugal

6!. Francisco Pizarro

7!. Ferdinand Magellan

8!. fourth largest

As far as I could determine there is no S!. American country that is now ruled by a European one!. This in reference to answer 3!.


2!. India
5!. Britain ( I'm almost sure because I lived in south america and i sort of remember learning that my country gained it's freedom from Great Britain!. )
8!. It's the 4th largest country!.

Sorry, that's all I could find, but I hope it helped anyways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

6!. is Francisco Pizarro
2!. has to be india!. if the teacher gives you a rough time simply point out that there are around 1 billion "Indians" in india!.
5!. I think may be Portugal
7 I think it may be Ferdinand Magellan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is a wonderful resource called wikipedia, use it

99!.96% of the articles are guarded against unproper editing and are almost always correctWww@QuestionHome@Com

For #3, the Falkland Islands are still ruled by Great Britian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

South America is the 4th biggestWww@QuestionHome@Com