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Position:Home>History> Why was the attrocities commited by the Japanese less known than those committed

Question: Why was the attrocities commited by the Japanese less known than those committed by the Nazis in !.!.!.!?
concentration camps!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is also the horrific but often ignored racial element to it!.
The Asian victims of Japan were not and are still not seen as being equal to Europeans, the victims of the Nazis!.

It's like on the news!.!.!.!.30 people dying in Austria is worth the same amount of column space / air time as 30,000 Indians dying in a flood!. I'm not saying it's right, but it happens!. No one really lost much sleep over Nanking, but people still go on about Dresden being bombed!.!.!.!.and Dresden was a NAZI city!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most likely because the Allies were focused on a common enemy and a common goal: the total surrender of Germany!. They needed to focus all their attention in one place for most effectivity!. Since Germany was closer to the Western Europeans geographically, and more interwined in their politics and policies, they were the prime target!. also they were the ones who stepped outside the boundaries of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I several times by expanding their military, re-introducing conscription, and annexing different regions around them!. During all this aggressive action, the French and British went by the policy of appeasement and gave in time after time to German demands!. Meantime, the US had declared their neutrality!.
Japan was, at the time, in its own Sino-Japanese War!. So when the concentration camps were going on in both places at the same time, it was only natural for the Allies to view Germany as the more hostile because they were most directly affected, from targetted populations emigrating into their countries, and from the close cultural and historical ties to the Germans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The atrocities were well known at the time, but have faded over time because they were overshadowed by the industrialized murder of the Nazis!. Ten million murders are a lot more flashy than a few thousand!.

One of my uncles was captured when Hong Kong fell!. His health never recovered completely after being systematically brutalised and starved for four years!. The Japanese were savage, but on a far reduced scale and without actual institutional rancour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They weren't The Japanese brokered a deal with the Allies at the end of the war to turn over all medical experiments on the Chinese and Philipino populace in exchange for leniency towards them in their crimes against humanity!. The deal was very clandestine and nobody knew the details!. The Allies ended up with the documents and only very high ranking Japanese were prosecuted in show trials and executed, the rest served prison terms and were released!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Japanese specialized in biological warfare and the USA wanted all there research after the war when the Soviet Union was to be our enemy!. So there war crimes ( all the most horrific) were done by what was called Unit 731
We wanted all that information!. So what did we do, the O!.S!.I!. (predecessor to the C!.I!.A!.) smuggled the scientists and there work over to the USA and to avoid war charges they were put on the US payroll we did it with some Nazi scientists as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They never put theirs on film

Neither did we !!! except in the phillipinesWww@QuestionHome@Com