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Position:Home>History> Why do so many Americans have such a tough time........?

Question: Why do so many Americans have such a tough time!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
admitting France as the great military power it is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Americans are raised to worship they're country!. Look at the current military race, Senator Obama was accused of being unpatriotic because he doesn't wear his government issue American flag pin!.
The most historically accurate portrayal of the American military and mindset is seen in the movie "Team America World Police"
When Pearl Harbor happened, America thought it was the first country to ever be attacked!. How dare someone bomb American soil!
The response in Iraq is another clear example they rush to the middle east kill millions of civilians that are never mentioned in any news paper, on any news show, but the 1000 or so Americans who died are constantly being shown everywhere, what the savages in Iraq have done!.
Americans may hate France, but Everybody hates the Americans! So let them have their freedom fries, the rest of the world is on your side!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French had several chances to defeat the Germans in the Franco-Prussian War and missed them all!.

In World War 1, their stand at the Marne was magnificent, and the dedication at places like Verdun were bloody but successful!.

In World War 2, the Maginot Line was a farce, and their supposedly great military power was non-existent!.

They screwed up badly in Algeria and Vietnam!.

On the whole, a mixed result!. They may have the power, they just don't know to exercise it effectively sometimes!.


Actually , in 1940, France was considered THE military power in Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the US is stronger!. Is France was so good then how did Germany take over!? We were trying to stay out of the war entirely and stay neutral but Hitler decided to start killing Americans so we had to get involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because any country that couldn't even win a war against Algeria can hardly be called a great military power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the FrostyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not going to debate which is the greater military power - that's not really what you're asking!. The answer to your question, I believe, is partly that Americans are taught WWII in such a way in high school that it appears the war went like this: France falls without much of a fight, England gets pushed the bring, and then the Americans enter and win it all!. The reality is far more complex this this, obviously, but that's what many Americans walk away from high school thinking!.

Another part of it, however, is the general perception by Americans that the French are arrogant jerks who look down on us!. Again, not here to debate the accuracy of this view, I'm simply stating that the VIEW exists!.

And for the sake of honesty, I will state that I am an American, but I have spent some time in France!. While there I met plenty of jerks, but I also met plenty of very nice and interesting people - just like other places in the world I've been and just like much of the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Was!. I believe that the operative word would be was!. There is no denying that France was a true world power!.

The point that you make is valid though!. I am unsure why France gets short shrift in America as a world power!. During the American Revolution, France was the key to victory, not in the amount of troops supplied on American soil but due to their naval might through out the globe!. In truth the French were active participants in the first true world war!.

A generation later during the aftermath of the French Revolution the invasions to restore the French Monarchy failed miserably and soon Napoleon nearly conquered Europe!.

I think that the main problem with the current perception of the French in America as weak centers on WWII which has been idealized in American culture and cinema!. The rapid surrender of France is seen as evidence of weakness where the British resistance through the Blitz was heroic!.

This narrative discounts the fact that a majority of WWI was fought on French soil and still in the living memory of the French people during the beginning of WWII!. It is arguable that due to the flanking move around the Maginot Line, the French people could not bear another long campaign on their soil and simply surrendered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com