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Position:Home>History> Renaissance can be misleading?

Question: Renaissance can be misleading!?
I was reading one of the review books for European history and it said, "Although the term Renaissance means rebirth, it can be misleading" Please Explain how this is misleading!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's hard to know exactly what was intended by the review of the book, but I thought that I have is that the Renaissance only brought back what had been lost after the fall of Rome!. The independent thinkers and artists, arts and literature, understanding of the world and universe were all areas which were well developed with the Greeks and Romans!. However, much of that was lost after the fall of Rome all the way through the Middle Ages!. The Renaissance simply starting bringing back those things!. (At least, those are my thoughts about it!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com