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Position:Home>History> What was the significance of Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg in May 1940?

Question: What was the significance of Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg in May 1940!?
I'm not lazy; I looked up stuff in Wikipedia and other sites online and have read it--but I don't completely comprehend it!.!.!?

I understand it was a German invasion but what was it's significance!?

Thanks in Advance, guys! (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Germans tricked the Allies in WWII!. It looked like they were repeating their plan from WWI, a big hook through these small countries into the north of France (check in an atlas) and the French and British armies raced north to fight them, BUT the Germans sent a fast moving groups of tanks led by Rommel with the 7th Panzer Division through the Ardennes behind their armies and suprised them!.

The Netherlands, (AKA Holland ), Belgium and Luxemburg were all neutral countries!. It was another example of Hitler ignoring the "rules of war"!. He also allowed Rotterdam to be bombed to help force the Dutch into surrendering!. The Belgians and French relied on their fortresses to slow the Germans down, both countries were disappointed when their very expensive forts were captured very easily!. The Maginot line was breached by a few engineers in gliders but cost millions of francs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French has fortified their common border with Germany through a series of fortifications called the Maginot Line!. Well for political reasons they did not fortify their border with Belgium, since they were allies at the time!. In order to avoid the French defenses along their border (with Germany), the German Army invaded the Low Countries (the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg), which were unfortified and unprepared for attack, in order to achieve surprise and reach the undefended part of France!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler set out to conquer the World, and this is basically where he started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The "Hook" was the Schlieffen Plan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com