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Question: Historical questions about the World Wars!?
We are watching a movie in history class about a concentration camp in Poland, and I am wondering why did Hitler believe that Jews were the enemies of the Arians!? Hitler had dark hair and dark eyes, and yet he was promoting the Arians (blonde hair and blue eyes) as the "perfect" race!. Do you think Hitler blamed the Jews because Germany was in shambles since the Treaty of Versailles!? Did Ireland participate on the allies side during WWI!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The belief that Jewish people were inferior (serious, serious discrimination) was one that was entirely rooted in the culture- note that the persecution of Jews has been fairly constant throughout history!. Hitler believed that EVERYONE (not just Jews) who defied the standard of the "Aryan Race" was inferior!.

Hitler used a hell of a lot of propoganda to convince people that Germany's economic issues were caused by the Jews, mainly because people were in such poverty that they were eager to find someone to blame!. Hitler employed an extreme nationalism to persuade the nation that he would avenge the German people and restore the empire to its former glory (see WWI)!. The treaty of Versailles was an enormous source of Germany's economic problems, but also the Great Depression effected the entire world, not just the U!.S!., and it worsened Germany's economy!. Around the same time, Germany's government made the extremely poor decision to simply print more money!. A MASSIVE inflation ensued, and German money was nearly worthless!. As in, it would take a wheelburrow of the stuff to buy a loaf of bread!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Jews - (always only tolerated in some parts of Europe) were used as a scapegoat for the situation that Germany was in after the disaster of the Weimar Government!.!.

Northern Ireland is and was part of Gt Britain and therefore Irish Regiments fought alongside English/Scottish and Welsh Regiments!. However, Southern Ireland or Eire did not support Gt Britain's struggle as a country, although there may have been individuals that enlisted!. In fact post war, it has now been revealed that Eire hid and gave new identiies to many Nazis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who knows what goes on in the mind of a psychopath like Hitler!. By his own standards, he should have been eliminated as he did not fit the Aryan prototype, and was illegitimate!.
When you ask about Ireland, do you mean the southern part of Ireland, that is part of the United Kingdom, or the Irish Republich in the north!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the first question, hitler used non-arian Jews as enemies because he needed someone to blame the loss of WWI on and the humilitation of the Treaty of Versailles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its in his blood because of his early adult life living like a tramp in a place filled with rich Jews!.Www@QuestionHome@Com