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Position:Home>History> 3 possible negative effects of the peace after WWI?

Question: 3 possible negative effects of the peace after WWI!?
List three possible negative effects of the terms of the peace reached after World War I!. Be specific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Germany went bankrupt because of the treaty!. Germany resented England and France!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Open Diplomacy - There should be no secret treaties between powers
Freedom of Navigation - Seas should be free in both peace and war
Free Trade - The barriers to trade between countries such as custom duties should be removed
Multilateral Disarmament - All countries should reduce their armed forces to the lowest possible levels
Colonies - People in European colonies should have a say in their future
Russia - Russia should be allowed to operate whatever government it wanted and that government should be accepted, supported and welcomed!.
Belgium - Belgium should be evacuated and restored to the situation before the war!.
France - should have Alsace-Lorraine and any lands taken away during the war restored!.
Italy - The Italian border should be readjusted according to nationality
National Self -Determination - The national groups in Europe should, wherever possible, be given their independence!.
Romania, Montenegro and Serbia - Should be evacuated and Serbia should have an outlet to the sea
Turkey - The people of Turkey should have a say in their future
Poland - Poland should become an independent state with an outlet to the sea!.
League of Nations - An assembly of all nations should be formed to protect world peace in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the Versaille Treaty sure pissed off Germany, and look what they did a couple decades later!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com