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Position:Home>History> I have to do a bibliography and I'm doing it about Walt Disney. Did he have

Question: I have to do a bibliography and I'm doing it about Walt Disney!. Did he have an impact on one of these!?
Balance of Power
Liberty vs Security
Government and Social Change
Movement of PeopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
addressing balance of power only!.

he had a peripheral effect!. he volunteered the services of his artists to make decals for the military aircraft in WWII and I think the cold war, but I am not sure!. The men loved his decals, and bomber crews thought that his decals were good luck charms!. Because it was a positive effect on morale, it was a good thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I saw a few months ago a Modern Marvels program that spent 2 hours on the history of Disney!. It should be on the internet somewhere!. Try www!.historychannel!.com!.Www@QuestionHome@Com