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Position:Home>History> What was the objective of sherman's march to the sea?

Question: What was the objective of sherman's march to the sea!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The war had gone on long enough and it was time to finally crush the rebels from the traitorous south!. The Confederacy had devastated the young nation and through their actions, needed to be dealt with harshly!. The Union decided enough is enough!. If we want to end this war with a victory to preserve this nation and bring are brothers from the south back under our control and reunite this country once again, the south must be punished!. Sherman was ordered to deprive the south of it's livelihood so that this war can once and for all come to a merciful end!. Burn the fields, kill the livestock, crush the rebels and starve them until they realize they are fighting a losing battle and surrender to their northern masters!. Sherman did just that!. The south was all but done at that point!. Railroad tracks and telegraph wires were destroyed along with everything else that the south depended on!. Once reaching the coast, he turned northward and the capture of Richmond, the Confederacy's Capital City was sacked and they were defeated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There were four, really!.

One was to stay in the rear of the main Confederate armies!.
Two was to gather supplies and thereby deny them to the Confederates!.
Three was to prevent organized opposition to his advance,
then being called for publicly by Southern states' governors!.
Four was to cut the railroad lines so that noone west or south of Lee's army and Johnston's former command could do anything to prevent either the forcing of a decisive battle with or a surrounding of Lee's forces, combined with others' or not by that time!. (The Columbia march that followed had the same objectives)!.
Sherman's was not the primary army in this case; Both Thomas after he annihilated Hood's army in Tennessee and Grabt's larger forces were more likely to have to fight the final battle if there ever was one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To occupy Atlanta and vacate the city!.


To the Citizens of Atlanta: General Sherman instructs me to say to you that you must all leave Atlanta; that as many of you as want to go North can do so, and that as many as want to go South can do so, and that all can take with them their movable property, servants included, if they want to go, but that no force is to be used; and that he will furnish transportation for persons and property as far as Rough and Ready, from whence it is expected General Hood will assist in carrying it on!. Like transportation will be furnished for people and property going North, and it is required that all things contemplated by this notice will be carried into execution as soon as possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To deprive Southerners of all possible food and shelter, and thus to starve them into submission!. He burned crops, homes, and whole towns, took what few animals were left to feed the troops and generally tried to destroy anything that offered any aid to the enemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To dispirit the people of the confederate states and force a surrender!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To go to the sea!.

Really!? Did you really need me to answer that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com