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Position:Home>History> What are the MOST important events of the cold war?

Question: What are the MOST important events of the cold war!?
when I say most important, I don't mean a list of 20 things!. I am doing a photo essay/powerpoint slide of the key/most important events of the cold war!. Keep it to a minimumm of 11-15 maxium 20

I know the Cuban Missile Crisis is one of them along with some others!.!.!.!.!.

thank you so much :)))))))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There were several successive events, some of them highly symbolic, others incredibly important

Berlin Airlift
Cuban Missile Crisis
I would say the Korean War

But the cold war cannot really be measured in events - perhaps the most important was the continual improvement in the quality of life in the United States, and the simultaneous increse in its military strength!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Potsdam Conference 1945
2!. Communist takeover in Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia,!. 1945-1948
3!. Berlin Blockade 1948
4!. NATO 1949
5!. Korean War 1950 -1953
6!. Warsaw Pact 1955
7!. Hungarian Uprising 1956
8!. Sputnik and beginning of space race 1957
9!. Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
10!. Vietnam War 1963-1974
11!. Prague Spring 1968
12!. Non-Nuclear Treaty 1970
13!. Helsinki Council 1975
14!. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979
15!. Poland’s Solidarity uprising 1980-1981
16!. Perestrojka and Glasnost by Gorbachev 1985
17!. Reykjavík Summit 1986
18!. Fall of Berlin Wall 1989
19!. Disintegration of the USSR 1991Www@QuestionHome@Com

Berlin Airlift
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Fall of the Berlin WallWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow!!!!!.!.!.im doing a project in this!.!.!.but i have to make a timeline!.!.!.good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com