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Position:Home>History> Eras and periods of american history?

Question: Eras and periods of american history!?
what are the main eras/periods of american history!?
thank you so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. 17th and Early 18th Centuries
2!. Road to Independence (1750-1781)
3!. Creating a Functioning Gvt!. (1777-1824)
4!. Beginnings of Modern American Democracy (1824-1844)
5!. Heading Toward the Civil War and Reconstruction (1845-1877)
6!. The Machine Age (1877-1900)
7!. Early 20th Century
8!. Postwar Period and Late 20th Century (1945-2000)Www@QuestionHome@Com