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Position:Home>History> Did cavemen play football or any other sports?

Question: Did cavemen play football or any other sports!?
What did they do to pass the time!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When they were not hunting for food they would probably have spent some of their time doing things like making new weapons,mending old ones, probably telling stories, singing songs, and of course we know that they painted, because of the wonderful cave paintings that have been found, and we know they did carving, because carved ivory and stone artefacts have been found!.

I don't know if they would have played football, but they would certainly have played games of some sort, which seems to be a universal human occupation, and their games could well have included some kind of football!.

It is not likely that they would have had no time for leisure activities, as a comment above suggests!. Hunter-gathering is actually a much less strenuous way to live than by agriculture, and people in hunter-gatherer societies generally have more leisure time than those in agricultural societies!. In 'The making of Civilisation' Ruth Whitehouse and John Wilkinson write:

'Even in harsh environments like the Kalahari desert of southern Africa or the Australian outback the hunting life is not difficult, people rarely spend more than three or four hours a day looking for food and have plenty of spare time, which they spend mostly in sleeping, talking and playing games!.'

So it is likely that our caveman ancestors had plenty of leisure time!.

P!.S!. Football was not, as a comment above suggests, invented in the last century!. They were playing football hundreds of years ago, in medieval times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They spent a good deal of time acquiring food, and processing plants and animals into useful items: tools, clothing, sewing needles, etc!. They probably told stories around the fire like people do today!. They also spent time passing on knowledge to younger members of the tribe!. In some places they had art, like the cave paintings!. They may have had some form of sport, but I think there's very little archeological evidence one way or another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, they spent most of their time trying to find food and stay alive!. Football is an invention of the last century!. Weren't any cavemen left then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They mostly played a game of "Family Food" where they had to keep the family and the tribe fed every single day!. So no time for games!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they stayed out of the way of wild animals, they foraged for food, they probably had more sex than people today-no TVWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes - there are many playing in both the NCAA and NFL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thought they still didWww@QuestionHome@Com