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Position:Home>History> REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS QUESTION greek mythology?

Question: REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS QUESTION greek mythology!?
How has greek mythology influenced and shape the world we live in!?
also what have we gained from greek mythology!?

and what sayings or famous works of art or modern stories based on the ancient greek stories, have we gained from greek mythology!?

by sayings i mean: "never except gifts from the greeks"--i think thats the saying and other sayings

by works of art i mean the satue of zeus or that pic of venus in the clam shell and any others people no ofWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well!.!.!. the stories from Greek mythology are some of the richest in world literature!. They have been retold over and over again!. They're famous and exciting!.!.!.

And long before The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Harry Potter, the tales of epic quests and heroic journeys have already been the mark of ancient Greece!. These stories became the foundation of all those big shots out there!.!.!.

Here, have a look at some of these famous lines:
"I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts!." or
"Beware the Greeks with their gifts!."

"Few sons are like their fathers; most are worse, few are better!."

"Better to be the hireling of a stranger, and serve a man of mean estate whose living is but small, than be the ruler over all these dead and gone!."Www@QuestionHome@Com