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Position:Home>History> Why was the Russian Revolution a global impact?

Question: Why was the Russian Revolution a global impact!?
Can you please give me any info or websistes, or any information that you know on why the Revolution had such a global impact!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. It finally led to a real competitor for the USA!. Sorry, but if one more person refers to Stalinism as Communism, I'll scream!

It really did block-off a portion of Europe, left the UK, France, the US etc!. hanging without an ally in WWI, Split-up Germany (no great loss there, it had only been a united country for less than 70 years anyhow!.) and it provided a powerful competitor to counter the unrestrained capitalism of the USA!.

Those links should get you started!. Think Eastern Block and Cold War!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it first time in history that a communist party had succeded in taking control, this meant that the domino theory had a starting point and this scared the world because it could lead to eastern Europe becoming communists and so on!. it also meant that Anarchy was going on in the world's biggest country which is 1/6th size of world, and the world needed Russia to be calm and stable for trading usages such as coal,oil and wheat!.
Check out this site for help with nearly all GCSE and A lvl History topics!.

a lot more easier to use than wikipedia and other sites and not useless like BBC BitesizeWww@QuestionHome@Com

heres a page!. hope it helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com