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Position:Home>History> What kind of entertainment happened in rome during ceasers time?

Question:Among others, gladiator fights which were often until death. Although due to the sheer diversity of the Roman empire, more traditional methods of entertainment, (songs, plays, etc) were very much aprt of Roman life, and threeways were first started.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Among others, gladiator fights which were often until death. Although due to the sheer diversity of the Roman empire, more traditional methods of entertainment, (songs, plays, etc) were very much aprt of Roman life, and threeways were first started.

Among others, gladiator fights which were often until death. Although due to the sheer diversity of the Roman empire, more traditional methods of entertainment, (songs, plays, etc) were very much aprt of Roman life.

Believe it or not going to court, Romans loved a good courtroom drama as much as we do, and the participants were there for real with everything on the line.

They basically had sports and theatre; much like today.

For pro athletes, there were the Gladiators, highly trained (usually) slaves which fought in a variety of weapons & armor. Though it is common to think they fought to the death; you have to remember how much time & effort went into training a someone to be a gladiator. It took months of training, and each gladiator was specialized to his/her type of weapons & armor. The Romans liked to match someone with heavy armor, but poor mobility & visibility against someone lightly armored, but with excellent visibility & a longer range weapon.

For theatre, the Romans were not as large fans as the Greeks; and their plays were not as good. But comedy was as it is today a good draw. For a little trivia, instead of a arch, which was traditional for a victory, Pompey built a theatre on/next to the Forum; with a statue of himself. Caesar was ambushed & died at Pompey's statue's feet.

Opiumparties and orgies, gladiator, seafights, executions, animal hunts re-enactments of famous battles in the Colosseum, Theaters, Parties at the houses of rich senators, Shopping, going to the temple, praise Ceaser (because he always gave some of this own money to the people after a successfull fight), drinking wine, going to a public bath house
The youth of Rome had several forms of play and exercise, such as jumping, wrestling, boxing, and racing
For the wealthy, dinner parties presented an opportunity for entertainment, sometimes featuring music, dancing, and poetry readings.[