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Position:Home>History> Living in America....?

Question:Can you help me in understanding what was living in the Us during the WWII?
Let me explain better: I'm interesting about the music, the movies, the places (bars, restaurants), what was on the radio (soap operas).
You can also give some website addresses (I've found only the Authentic History Center).


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can you help me in understanding what was living in the Us during the WWII?
Let me explain better: I'm interesting about the music, the movies, the places (bars, restaurants), what was on the radio (soap operas).
You can also give some website addresses (I've found only the Authentic History Center).


The 40's was a great time for cinema.

Talk to people over 80. Visit a nursing home - I'm serious! They have a lot to teach you. Take a notebook.

Music. . . I think it's fascinating that so much popular music was dictated by the war. . . think of the big songs. . . "I'll Be Seeing You", "White Christmas" - these were all influenced by the war.

Great site for music:
Here is another: