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Position:Home>History> Du you remember Jesse James ?

Question:Yes I grew up in the town where he robbed the bank, Northfield, Minnesota. A couple of the younger gang were killed and a couple of bystanders were also killed. including a gustafson. He was originally from Missouri, but his gang came up north to rob and reak havok on us northerners, but he had no success in robbing the nfld bank because of the banker, he was shot because he wouldn't open the vault.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes I grew up in the town where he robbed the bank, Northfield, Minnesota. A couple of the younger gang were killed and a couple of bystanders were also killed. including a gustafson. He was originally from Missouri, but his gang came up north to rob and reak havok on us northerners, but he had no success in robbing the nfld bank because of the banker, he was shot because he wouldn't open the vault.

from pokemon?
i was jk....

Not personally. He was dead for a century or more before I was born.

He made my motorcycle!!

Are you talking about the outlaw or the custom bike builder in So. Cal.? I remember stuff I was told about Jesse James the outlaw, but I didn't know him personally. :-) Jesse James the bike builder makes incredible stuff, but I don't know him either.

So what is it you want to know about him?

dated his cousin