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Position:Home>History> In your opinion, should the Western Allies have acted to oppose Soviet dominatio

Question:How and why was Germany allowed to annex Austria and the Sudetenland? Was there any justification for Britain and France’s policy of appeasement?

How did Italy become involved in the conflict? How did its participation affect the direction of the war and Germany’s fortunes?

Explain how the situation in Europe immediately following the fall of Germany led directly to the Cold War.

In your opinion, should the Western Allies have acted to oppose Soviet domination of Eastern Europe?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How and why was Germany allowed to annex Austria and the Sudetenland? Was there any justification for Britain and France’s policy of appeasement?

How did Italy become involved in the conflict? How did its participation affect the direction of the war and Germany’s fortunes?

Explain how the situation in Europe immediately following the fall of Germany led directly to the Cold War.

In your opinion, should the Western Allies have acted to oppose Soviet domination of Eastern Europe?

Many questions at once...yet very interesting...
I do not think that Western Allies could have done anything to limit soviet influence in Eastern Europe. the situation at the end of the WWII was such that the Soviets, who had given an invaluable contribution in the defeat of the Reich, de facto occupied all Eastern Europe and any attempt of take those lands away from their influence would have lead inevitably to a new war, which was not sustainable for the countries involved in the massacre just terminated and was not even justifiable in the eyes of the populations. At that time the Soviets were regarded as allies in the West.
as for Italy, well, as italian i always find the question "why" extremely painful. Painful because every italian remembers, at least for seeing it on tv, the images of the huge crowd celebrating the Duce in Rome, at the beginning of WWII, and, when asked by him whether they want war, answering with a deafening yes.
That is still carved in the collective memory of my people, as it has to be...
The only reason why Mussolini might have really thought of entering the conflict (why he decided to side with Hitler is obvious) is because he was convinced of a swift victory by the Germans, and he didnt want to be left out when, after this quick victory, the lands and territories would have been split. Obviously the country wasnt prepared for war, it was underequipped and poorly trained, and the contribution Italy gave to the german cause was minimal, I actually think that by opening new fronts and then asking for help from the Germans, like it happened for instance in Greece, Italy might have only helped the Allies by making the german troops more and more scattered.