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Position:Home>History> Man's mental capacity?

Question:How is it that man has been on this earth for thousands of years,but not till the 20th. century, was there an explosion of mental expansion like at no other time in recorded history,, We went from just gettin the last Indian to settle down to ,,, flight to the moon in less than 70yr.s' .. What Happened ?????!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How is it that man has been on this earth for thousands of years,but not till the 20th. century, was there an explosion of mental expansion like at no other time in recorded history,, We went from just gettin the last Indian to settle down to ,,, flight to the moon in less than 70yr.s' .. What Happened ?????!

It was mostly luck.

Are you implying that the previous civilization of mankind has plenty of brains but no common sense?
Perhaps, if you bothered to read history, you'll be amazed what an advanced civilizations men had which you and I and the rest are now enjoying from what they had developed and created.