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Position:Home>History> Who is/was your fav. President of the US?

Question:I have two and they are John F. Kennedy because how he handled the Cuban Missle Crisis and Andrew Jackson.

God Bless

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have two and they are John F. Kennedy because how he handled the Cuban Missle Crisis and Andrew Jackson.

God Bless

My favorite never got his chance to be President, that would be Bobby Kennedy. That said my favorite would Have to be Ronald Reagan.

Thomas Jefferson.


Thomas Jefferson


Ronald Regan. How thw world changed so much in his administration.


Michael Kelly

Kennedy. grace,style,charisma. he got us through the cuban missile crisis alive. was a kid when that happened and won't ever forget it.

I have two Theodore Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy.

James K. Polk

Ronald Reagan.

His tax cuts brought about a booming economy, in spite of federal deficits caused by runaway spending by the Democrat-controlled Congress.

He also was the major player in bringing the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall down.

He was far and away the best president of my lifetime, and one of America's best ever.

My favorite President is Abe Lincoln.

My favorite US Presidents in order.

1. George Washington

2. Abraham Lincoln

3. Teddy Roosevelt

4. John Adams

5. Ronald Reagan

John F.Kennedy, and Abe Lincoln

Andrew Jackson was a racist pig. Remember the Trail of Tears, when he defied a Supreme Court order?

I'll go with John Adams.

Reagan did it all on a credit card and routinely submitted budgets far in excess of what the Democrats allowed. Some lies will never die.

Famous quote by Reagan butt-kisser George Will: "Reagan proved huge deficits don't matter." It does when it's our money.

And, Reagan popped off in the midst of the Lebanese civil war while visiting Beirut, causing the deaths of 241 Marines in their barracks. To distract from that, he immediately invaded Grenada, which posed no threat to anyone.

If Reagan brought down the USSR and Berlin Wall, then I am a Space Shuttle Commander and Neurosurgeon.

john F.Kennedy.he's got style,charisma and intellect

ill. Brother Harry S. Truman. ill. Brother Truman had no problem in taking the necessary steps and responsibilities to solve many of the problems facing the U.S.A. after ill. Brother Roosevelt's death.

Andrew Jackson...and Calvin Coolidge :p