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Position:Home>History> Did the Romans do homosexual acts????

Question:ive heard a lot that the Romans had wives and thought having a bf was wrong, but i also heard that they still did sexual things with men, just not had them as a bf. is this true? i think this is more the more rich higher men, in like the Roman baths and when they were away at war etc? just curious if this is fact or just a rumor of those times???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ive heard a lot that the Romans had wives and thought having a bf was wrong, but i also heard that they still did sexual things with men, just not had them as a bf. is this true? i think this is more the more rich higher men, in like the Roman baths and when they were away at war etc? just curious if this is fact or just a rumor of those times???

They certainly did:

no durning the days of the roman empire they allowed guys to love if they keept it as friends other than that they hated homosexual they did seperate baths for a diffferent reason

The pre-Christian Romans didn't stigmatize homosexuality the way that their more prudish successors would-- Judeo-Christian Religions are primarily responsible for making homosexuality a "bad thing."

Also, it's much easier to cheat on your wife with a dude when women are considered nothing more than property and objects I guess!

in history, homosexual acts were far more common. It was the Victorian influence that made it more of a taboo. Shakespeare, Robin Hood and others were Bisexual.

Its just more of an issue nowdays than it was 2000 years ago

Yes the Romans had homosexuals. There have been homosexuals sense the beginning of time. Many ancient cultures saw no difference in performing straight or homosexual sex. It was just a part of life.

Greeks did Greek

First of all, there is a little button in the lower right and left of your keyboard. They make the letters big. Letters should be big when they are the first letter in a sentence or the first letter of a proper noun.

Secondly, bf is not a word. Buy a dictionary and search for an acceptable term.

Thirdly, there is a pretty little symbol that looks like this: '
It is used to form the contracted form of a words. You know, when you put two words together into one, but they are not nouns.

I think I understand what you are trying to say.

Homosexual acts, or going in the back door, still occur in the military in the US today. No doubt that is true of other countries. The Greeks did it and so did the Romans. Men being what they are (namely having their most sensitive bits hanging on the outside), it seems that such things are inevitable when a convenient woman is not available.

The separate baths did indeed have a purpose, but were not thought out for THAT purpose. It was immodest to look other people's spouses or unmarried women naked. It would have undoubtedly led to the "violation" of many female persons who were prohibited. As far as I understand, some men did indulge in such acts with one another in the public baths, but it wasn't the most private area, so I doubt we are talking large scale here. There were prostitutes for those sorts of needs.

Remember, the wives rarely got sex after all the children were had that they wanted. I believe the Roman women, like the Greeks, also had little private all-female parties to satisfy their own needs.

the romans did perform homosexual acts. it was seen as a right of passage for the upper crust of society to have intercourse with young men before they were considered men... look @ troy w/ brad pitt, @ least i think it was this movie, it may have been alexander w/ colin farrel, but one of them had a scene where they took a boy to another room. although neither were roman, this was something they did in rome too.

ALL cultures had, and have, homosexuality, because statistically about 10% of the population is homosexual.
I don't agree about the Victorians, although they surely weren't in favor of it. Think about the time the Bible was written. The fact that there are prohibitions in the Bible shows that homosexual acts were taking place at that time, and any culture that viewed the bible as the holy book or the only guide for moral behavior would not condone homosexuality.

There's not a culture on earth which hasn't had its homosexuals - openly or underground as the case may be.

Regarding Rome - Julius Caesar was notoriously promiscuous. It was said of him that he was a man for every woman and a woman for every man.

Consider this.During the pre- Christian Roman Empire too many middle and upper class men were not marrying since it was so much easier to fornicate with a slave of either sex. The problem was one of abuse of power between people, not homosexuality itself.Often older men took advantage of young men and boys of their class that were trying to gain favor on the way up in their career( read "Ben Hur". It was not so much about love between two consenting adults that bothered the Roman leadership. The family unit needed to be encouraged so bachelors were taxed at a higher rate than married men.
Enter the Christian era.The Apostle Paul was against the type of homosexuality that led to abuses and excesses much the same way that Paul had no problem with people drinking wine but he railed against drunkenness