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Position:Home>History> What event in history would you want to change if you could?

Question:For me it would be that white people would not have been so greedy and made the Native Americans leave their land. It makes me so angry when I think about it. It almost feels personal.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For me it would be that white people would not have been so greedy and made the Native Americans leave their land. It makes me so angry when I think about it. It almost feels personal.

It make me sad also, one of my ancestor's was probably of the Cherokee blood. The trail of tears has been repeated all through the history of mankind on this planet. It has always been that the stronger, meaner groups have driven the gentler, more creative people out of their settled lands all through time.
But to answer your question, I think I would have made GWB stop and think a lot longer and harder and better, before Iraq happened. I would also change the way the corporate types (Enron types) are so self-serving, so self-centered because they are destroying the American way of life. Oh! and stop 'dear Mr. Clinton' (I'm being very sarcastic) from signing the NAFTA agreement.!!!!! Thanks for killing my state, Billy boy!

That is a good choice, but I think I would undo the Holocaust if I could.

Union General George Meade of the Army of the Potomac would have gone after Robert E. Lee after the Battle of Gettysburg. The Civil War would have ended 2 years earlier and a couple of hundred thousand lives would have been saved.

I don't think (bad as it sounds) I would change anything because who knows what or where we would be without us having built on (that) terrible event.

FYI the white people didn't do that.... we gave them are diseases like small pox which killed 90% of the native Americans then we just moved the bodies and started are towns,

but about the question i would want to change the birth of hitler to stop the nazis and kept World war 2 from starting. or at least made it a little easier for the allies.

I would change the Slaughter. I am a total vegetarian, I HATE animal killing. Who ever started this evil practice should be slaughtered themself.

The Vietnam War. The U.S. should have stayed out of it.

A good question. One event in history John lennon never got murdered . There are bigger events but i try to live in ignorance