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Position:Home>History> Who can tell me wich of those man is more important in history: Columb, Albert E

Question:I think that Benjamin and Albert are equal!.. Columb isn't important!.. I don't know what you had in mind to caompare those 3 guys ._.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think that Benjamin and Albert are equal!.. Columb isn't important!.. I don't know what you had in mind to caompare those 3 guys ._.

no one is more important

columbus was the least important of the three. he was a loser who came to america and "discovered" something that had already been here for years then killed natives because they wouldnt convert to christianity

It's actually Albert Einstein

I think Columbus. The discovery of America was an event of major importance to world history. The fact that he only discovered it by mistake does not mean it wasn't important. it was a discovery that changed the world.

As they each contributed in their own distinctive way, ranking them would be misleading. Plus the separation in time between each person's accomplishments allows for each one's contribution as important as the other, just in different areas.

Columbus's voyages inspired others to explore west giving rise to the Spanish colonization of Mesoamerica, and eventual colonization of the New World. A lot of people were sailing during this time, so such a discovery was just a matter of time...he just happen to do it first--from a Spanish point of view.

Einstein's work in science made possible the development of nuclear theories created a new era in science.

Ben Franklin worked in a host of areas, including science and government, but is best known for his contributions during the American Revolution. Personally, I'm not a fan of Franklin, but his contributions cannot be overlooked.