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Position:Home>History> PICTURE WWII Military - Grandparent, Help me identify where he served?

Question:It is a movie-like story, soldier meets nurse, nurse likes soldier, soldier gets reassigned, nurse have soldier's child and completely lose contact with him. That happened in Germany during WWII. My grandmother is dead but would be great to know more about him and probably meet distant family.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is a movie-like story, soldier meets nurse, nurse likes soldier, soldier gets reassigned, nurse have soldier's child and completely lose contact with him. That happened in Germany during WWII. My grandmother is dead but would be great to know more about him and probably meet distant family.

From the fact that he is wearing an infantry combat badge (partially obscured by his collar) I looked at patches for infantry divisions and discovered that he is wearing the badge of the 63rd Infantry Division (details of their history below). The picture of him standing in front of the entrance to a building has been reversed, but I think it is the famous Glen Island Casino on Long Island NY, probably in November 1944 when the Division was sent to Camp Shanks NY for overseas assignment. The second site references the 63rd ID Association, perhaps they may be able to find your Granddad's military record.
Paul. (A Brit)

Forgot to mention, he is a private first class.

You will probably get more responses in the Genealogy section.

neat question, hope you get the answer you seek, I just found out my great grandfather was in Andersonville.

To find out where he served, you'll need to know his military unit, such as he was in the US 2nd Army, 161st Signal Battalion. From that much information, you should be able to google your way across the Internet and find out the campaigns in which that unit served. Ask around the family, particularly any older aunts and uncle, and see if anyone knows. If not, see if you can find his discharge papers. That's the type of papers that are held onto by surviving family members. Sometimes relatives don't admit having such papers, thinking you'll want to take them, but if you explain your work and how you will share your findings with them, they should be willing to allow you to copy them.

You seem to have his company or regiment or corps insignia on his left sleeve, why don't you try to see who could read it as well as the decoration bar. That would give you more info and a starting point, you could inquire where that company or regiment had been assigned in Germany and start from there, contact the army...

Your granddad was in the infantry, probably, by the shoulder patch, in an airborne division. By the fabric of the uniform he's wearing in the photo, and by what you say, he served in Europe. The other photos seem to be taken while in America. If I can find an old Nat Geo magazine that had most of the shoulder patches I might be able to tell you what Division he was in and from there you can trace further.

Try there.
You didn't give his name.
They should be able to furnish you some info.
Good Luck!

63rd Infantry Division. Landed in France Dec 8, 1944. He is probably from one of the Infantry Regiments (253rd, 254th and 255th) since he has a Combat Infantrymans Badge.