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Position:Home>History> What were the thoughts of African Black Slaves when they were being sold ? Look

Question:Eg - When they were being sold to people , what COULD be going on in their heads , their feelings and emotions , questions they would ask themselves ???
Its for homework

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Eg - When they were being sold to people , what COULD be going on in their heads , their feelings and emotions , questions they would ask themselves ???
Its for homework

Most Africans were suplied to Europeans by African Kidnappers vurable people at vuranble times. So imagine this you are 7 and you were playing in the feilds and a women approaches you all sweet and that then next thing two men grab you from behind and take you. You dont know any of the three and then they put a chain round your neck and drag you with them. They take you on a long journey and give you to another group of people where you see others chained like you!

You all are then chained together and are all marched for miles and travel through many places for months even. Then one day you reach the coast and see the ocean for the first time in your life and a person who skin colour is very light to what you have never seen before and you and the others are handed over to them and placed in a big castle full of thousands of black people chained up it smells of BO death sick urine etc and no windows. You see women being taken out people brutally treaten by these unfimiliar white people and constantly hear screams of women outside also inside where your seated people are moaning screaming crying.

The next day a big group of you are taken out a placed on a beach where you see a very big ship for the first time and once again you are handed over to these white people and put up on the deck of this ship then you see the land moving away your moving away you have already been taken away from your family, your home, your community, now you are leavin the land and no sense of where you are going.

Your mum dad is gone your crying no one cares about you, you are sorounded by strangers and these peoples you have never seen before and you know you are not safe or free.
Days and weeks go buy on this ship and you are only fed a cup of rice and water a day uncomfortable sleep loneliness no one speaks your langauage constant fear your missing your family and your old life very depressed.

After weeks you reach land and you most likely cant belive it you are taken off stripped naked to strangers and water is thrown on you and scrubbed with vinegar then branded extremely hot. Then you are given these strange clothes (European) and chained again and also give to a group of white people who now take you to a stage where a crowd of these white people await to see you and others. Gradually you are bought unaware of it you are now taken by these people a man and he brings you by force to his house where you see other people like you doing work I believe you know what you are here for now.

This mad does as he wants with you, you cant ask for help from anyone cant speak the langauge no one cares and the other slaves cant help all you can do it obide by it and carry on living in the hell you just cant understand how and why it happened.

Well just because their skin color is black, it doesn't make them less human. Which means, they would probably feel as sad and mistreated as you would if you had been sold to people like that.

I suppose they felt it wasn't fear what they were doing to them, most of them I guess had a very hard time if they ever escaped, forgetting what happened to them. Remember they also sold young people. Imagine the damage that did, not only physical, but mental.

I think they felt like an object simply being sold to someone who needed it.

It is sad what happened....Good question.

I would imagine--IMAGINE- that they were pretty numb at the block. It was the only way they could stay sane.
They knew they were property and could ONLY hope that their owners would not sell them away from their families.
I would have been heartbroken, scared to death and so lonely. I would have been angry too. Real angry and not be able to do anything about it. I may have been suicidal for a bit.
Eventually, resigned. pained and shamed at the way I was handled. Wishing, for one last word with my family, to hold my baby one more time..That would break me. I would be sullen so they wouldn't know my heart was breaking.

well i would say they were very emotional if they had been takin away from there home they might have had a wife and children back home OR even takin with him so i would say they woud be worried about there family and wat wud become of them the children wud obiously be tramatised and they mit have heard storys about wat mit have 2 do eg: they wud have heard how people were bread together like cttle as 2 sell more slaves so they didnt know wat there slave orner wanted with them did they need feild workers or did they need strong people 2 BREED so i wud say saddness anger and num with the fear

It's always difficult to know what another person thinks or feels. But I believe most of them would feel
FEAR. What kind of person am I being sold to? Will I be beaten? Starved? Raped? Overworked? Killed? A slaveowner could do all these things without facing retribution.
HUMILIATION. What it must feel like to be handled by prospective buyers like a horse for sale, I can only try to imagine. To be offered, haggled over, prodded, looked in the mouth, publicly examined physically in the most intimate way, it must have been a nightmare.
GRIEF. Many slaves were sold away from loved ones, friends, family. In addition to all of the above, they also had to suffer an emotional loss, perhaps of a spouse, a child, siblings. A slave had no more right to protest than an animal had.

All in all, I think we may safely say that the owning and selling of slaves is not consistent with the moral and democratic concepts of the western world today.