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Position:Home>History> What would have happened if America had never been discovered?

Question:I'm writing a paper, and was just wondering what are some important things that if America was never discovered we would never of had. And where would we all be? Why is America such a strong nation? So if you could answer any of those questions, that'd be great! Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm writing a paper, and was just wondering what are some important things that if America was never discovered we would never of had. And where would we all be? Why is America such a strong nation? So if you could answer any of those questions, that'd be great! Thanks!

well for one America is a strong nation because we guarantee freedoms to everyone that at the time hampered other nations also we make sure that religion and government don't mix.

America would have been discover just latter anyway. also if we never came to "the new world" at least the Native Americans would still be alive, because we brought many new diseases to the Americas like small pox which killed 90% of the native people.

also remember over 90% of the people in America aren't from America, we are all foreigners that really helped us deal with everything. its like taking every nations skills and combining them.

good luck with ur report =)

The discovery of the Americas contributed a lot to improved navigation and ship design. The Mayflower took over two months to cross the Atlantic. By the end of the sailing ship era, the crossing was done in a record 12 days and 6 hours from Boston to Liverpool (The James Baine designed and built by Donald McKay). That record, by the way, still stands.

first thing first america was never lost it was stolen an how can u find somthing that all ready had people living their

the world would still be flat.

(Sorry, couldn't resist)