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Position:Home>History> In your eyes what is the greatest invention of all time?

Question:I was just wondering what was the greatest invention of all time to you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was just wondering what was the greatest invention of all time to you.

1. Computer
2. Microwave
3. Basketball
4. Car
5. Limewire

plastics, but then again, paper is pretty important too.

The wheel or the screw (incline plane)

Pepsi, I am addicited!

electricity without it life would suck nothing would happen with out it

It would have to be the wheel. It influences so many other inventions that follow it.

Electricity, everything basis off of this. Without electricity you would not have to ability to build anything in the modern world.

your looking at it

cars!!! because to think that we use horses to go to school. its efficient and fast, but it does use up fossil fuel....but still if we can just find a way for cars not to pollute our atmostphere, it would be great. perhaps someone might invent time transport or something where we just stand on a cubicle and tell the machine where to go to and after 1 or 2 seconds later, we are at the destination we want to go to....without any hassle!

the RUBBER BAND! you could tie up open potato chip bags and oh yes, you can always take someone's eyes out if they don't see eye to eye with you


The chair.

What would we do without it?

xoxo ^-^

medicine because with out it we would not be living right now

The wheel. Without it, little else could have been invented, since most machinery depends on some kind of rotating motion.

Fire ( i know its was not invented, but neither was electricity)

It gave us light in the darkest of nights and ware off predators.
It cooked food which made them more digestable and thus fuel our brain to become bigger.
and lastly, when ancient human stared into the flames at night who knows what wonders and vast imagination ran through there head that sparked civilization.