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Position:Home>History> Connection between anti-vietnam movement and civil rights movement?

Question:i'm writing a paper with that theme and i'm fine with discussing each one seperate but besides the importance of mass public participation is there any other connections

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'm writing a paper with that theme and i'm fine with discussing each one seperate but besides the importance of mass public participation is there any other connections

Actually, you have pointed out the largest similarity. They were large scale protesting of an issue. However, the civil rights movement was about the rights of individuals in a social climate where one race was considered "less" or "lower" than the majority. The Vietnam War Protests were led by idealist who felt that a war in a country on the other side of the world was not and should not be an American problem.

The CRM was able to change laws and eventually society as a whole. Through the effort and unfortunately death of such leaders as MLK Jr they were able effect change providing a better future for those who would had endured and would have had to continue to endure decades of oppression and prejudice.

The VWP were a form of rebellion when society was enduring so many social and political changes. It was something tangible because every protester knew at least one or more people who were drafted and sent over to fight for a cause that had no bearing on American society. In the end they did not cause change on the scal that the CRM did.

they both had to do with young people (18-30) deciding they weren't going to settle for the status quo, they were instead going to demand change. Therefore they had to do with self-empowerment, also, for young people.