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Position:Home>History> On average, about how far did slaves travel to get their freedom?

Question:Please provide the website where you found your information. :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Please provide the website where you found your information. :)

There is no 'average.' None. Nada. There were slaves throughout the South and yet conceivably it was easier for a Slave in Kentucky to cross over the Ohio River into the Free state of Ohio and from there cross on up to Canada then it was for a slave in Delaware to cross over into Pennsylvania.
(Go look at a Map).
And define Freedom. Many Slaves made their way to the North but in the North they could be beaten up, often abused sexually, and dragged back to the South. Even those that made it to Canada were subjected to kidnapping & abuse.

Often Freedom was a rope or blade away. Those that could not bear being slaves often found solace in suicide and that was either the shortest distance or the longest depending upon a person's religious viewpoint.

Peace. . . / / ----------- o o o o o o o

They had to go all they way to Canada because otherwise they could be arrested and brought back to their owner.