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Position:Home>History> Were Native Americans subject to the Military draft in WWII?

Question:yes, in 1942, at least 99 percent of all eligible Indians, healthy males aged 21 to 44, had registered for the draft. (!)

During World War II more than 44,000 Native Americans saw military service. They served on all fronts in the conflict and were honored by receiving numerous Purple Hearts, Air Medals, Distinguished Flying Crosses, Bronze Stars, SilverStars, Distinguished Service Crosses, and three Congressional Medals of Honor. Indian participation in World War II was so extensive that it later became part of American folklore and popular culture.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yes, in 1942, at least 99 percent of all eligible Indians, healthy males aged 21 to 44, had registered for the draft. (!)

During World War II more than 44,000 Native Americans saw military service. They served on all fronts in the conflict and were honored by receiving numerous Purple Hearts, Air Medals, Distinguished Flying Crosses, Bronze Stars, SilverStars, Distinguished Service Crosses, and three Congressional Medals of Honor. Indian participation in World War II was so extensive that it later became part of American folklore and popular culture.

yea, USA use them for secret native codes, so that japan could'n break or figure the USA plans or next move



some of the Native American languages were very useful as codes also.

remember the movie war whisperers, they were navajo.

after serving voluntarily in ww1 the native americans were offered positions in the deciphering and codes department of the military. in korea they actually had natives reach some status with commissioned officers and a couple of code units, with some actually allowed to get into the field to work as coders. it was all voluntary. cjhs