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Position:Home>History> 2 QUESTIONS IN 1!ANSWER BOTH OR JUST ONE!1.What values did ppl hav in 1930s 2.Wh

Question:1. What values did people have in the 1930's - 1960's
ie. were they concerned about the environment like we are today? Or who was famous?

2. What is the style of Venetian architecture called? And if theres many types list as many as you are aware of!

Thankyou, ur info will be of great help! x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. What values did people have in the 1930's - 1960's
ie. were they concerned about the environment like we are today? Or who was famous?

2. What is the style of Venetian architecture called? And if theres many types list as many as you are aware of!

Thankyou, ur info will be of great help! x

I HOPE you're talking about American history - because here goes:

The 1930s - 1960s is a wide gap of time. In the 1930s, people were going through the depression, so that was that. In the early 1940s, it was wartime, so there wasn't much culture or anything, just nationalism & war. In the latter half of the 40s, there was an economic boom with the end of the war & American economics. The 50s were very much of a conservative era - there was a return to the "good housewife" era and the culture and values were definitely influenced by the conservatism - TV shows like Leave It to Beaver showed typical characters of the family. The 60s was a decade of much culture - there was the opposition to the Vietnam war as well as a revolution among the young generation. The 3 things that shaped the culture of the YOUNG were rock & roll music, drugs & sex. Also during this time, environmentalism & a surge in the feminist movement surged, but after decades of unlimited pollution, there wasn't much to fix.

me do ur test......... nah u do your test

question no. 2
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