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Question:USA DROPED nuclear bomb on japan,and millions of japanase were dead,is that was fair,
usa just want to show his power.
many things it was good because japan had not surendeer,and after droping nuclear bomb a fear arise among all nation for each other of nuclear bomb.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: USA DROPED nuclear bomb on japan,and millions of japanase were dead,is that was fair,
usa just want to show his power.
many things it was good because japan had not surendeer,and after droping nuclear bomb a fear arise among all nation for each other of nuclear bomb.

idot rodarunn check your facts millions were died in japan,and after dropping it japanase get many diseases and tousands died by disesases generation to generation and the effects were still there.

You two deserve each other. lol Report It

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  • Oscar T's Avatar by Oscar T
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  • We did this in history class, and I think that it wasn't fair at all. It was a reaction out of proportion to what Japan did.

    dropping those bombs saved millions of lives of U.S. men, how is that unfair.

    It was good because if the Bomb wasn't dropped, the US military would be forced to invade Japan which could have taken until 1947 to fully conquer Japan, and it was predicted that if Japan was invaded, upto 3 million allied soldiers would have died.

    May be it was just intended to be a shock. I think that a nuclear test should have been shown on video to the Japanese General Tojo and his government, instead of actually targetting innocent civilians. Possibly the US didn't think they would listen

    i think it was incredibly stupid (don't report me, I'm just saying Wat i think) I'm not criticising all Americans its just that the decision wasn't very smart. they could have done that in a better way

    It's just okay since it is a war, battle between sides.. They'll have to do anything inorder to win the war

    USA did not simply drop the bomb as a show of power. Countries were being invaded by the Japanese and honestly if the USA did not drop the bomb i would probably be speaking Japanese right now.

    I think its was fair. The Japanese ran the risk of being bombed the moment they decided to invade other countries. In fact the A bomb actually saved lives. Actually, In total 220 000 people died in Japan after the bombs were dropped. If the war had continued another 10 days about 250 000 people would have died. So really
    30 000 people were saved because of the bombs.

    The USA were right to bomb Japan!

    Or were the USA supposed to wear kid gloves?

    check your facts - MILLIONS did not die - perhaps 500k - still a lot agreed

    The death toll would have been much higher with an invasion which was planned (See Operation Downfall)

    And it is likely Russia would have occupied much more of Asia (see Operation August Storm)

    And can you imagine the political implications when the allies found out the US had such a weapon and did not use it?

    Population in 1945:

    Hiroshima - 250,000

    Nagasaki - 174,000

    Total between the two cities - 424,000

    Claims of deaths over 1,000,000 are exagerated, even extending a generation or two.

    Was it fair or unfair? War is not baseball, although rules were established for war in 1947, six years after Japan decided to declare war on the United States, and two years after the United States ended it.

    Had Japan not attacked Pearl Harbor, death toll would have been zero.

    We saved millions upon millions of lives by using nukes on Japan.

    We saved the lives of millions of Japanese soldiers.
    We saved the lives of millions of American soldiers.
    We saved the lives of millions of Japanese citizens (non-combatants).

    The evidence is plain and unarguable. Now, unless you think that not saving those lives was worth it (yes it cost lives, but that number was far lower), don't go saying it was wrong.

    ask any WWII veteran who was on the way to invade Japan what their opinion is. Dropping " the bombs " saved countless lives of both Allied and Japanese.

    Millions of dead Japanese from the A-bombs? You're off by a factor of ten! More like 100,000 dead from the blasts and another 100,000 from the radiation poisoning. Still, a horrible thing to contemplate, but the fire-bombings of the cities killed far, far more Japanese than both bombs put together!

    Had America invaded the home islands, then there would have been over 2 million dead Japanese, and maybe as many as 8 million dead. According to John Hershey, author of "Hiroshima," even after they had seen the power of the Hiroshima blast, Japanese were still building cities' fortifications, getting ready to fight!

    Using the A-bomb, though, had very little to do with winning the war, and everything to do with putting the Soviet Union in it's place. Harry Truman was at the post-Euro-war conference at Yalta when he got the message that "the gadget" (code name for the test bomb exploded in New Mexico) had worked. Stalin had been telling the Allies how he demanded to be allowed to occupy all of the countries of Eastern Europe and Harry was fretting that there was no way to stop him.

    Dropping the bombs on the Japanese was more of a warning to the USSR (Soviet Union) that the US had these bombs, the will to use them, AND had the airplanes to deliver them, the Boeing B-29. It gave Harry Truman an "or else" scenario that made Stalin have to listen.