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Position:Home>History> How did money start?

Question:I know the world couldn't live without money, but isn't there a saying 'money is the root to all evil'?
There is so much greed and crime and most of it is about money.
I was just wondering if anybody knew who first invented it and why???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know the world couldn't live without money, but isn't there a saying 'money is the root to all evil'?
There is so much greed and crime and most of it is about money.
I was just wondering if anybody knew who first invented it and why???

What do you mean by money? Ancient gold coins or worthless paper money we hold today? Money is just a token(that holds buying power) that can be used in a marketplace with different kinds of shops/services. It was invented as an universal form of value so people in an marketplace can trade easily. Before money, there was bartering which is the trading of service for other service/ goods for service/goods for other goods. It was very hard to always have someone there who will have what you want and actually want what you have to offer, so money was introduced.

The Franklin Mint!! For the sake of the evil money.

There is a lot available for you on the web. Money started as a means to exchange goods and services when, man realized that the barter exchange system wasn't working out so good. For instance, carrying many baskets of fruit and vegetables over the hills and great distances to acquire tools or medicine became impractical. Of course, trading posts continued for a long time. But money was invented to replace the barter system because it was no longer practical. Just think, you want some fish, and in order to get that you walk 50 miles with your wife to the sea, and then have to leave your wife as payment for the food! Ehh, conflicts arose over this. Plus an additional problem was that no one knew what to exchange for what and how much. Do I need to bring six fur pellets for one jug of whiskey or three bushels of corn?