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Position:Home>History> In 1790 to 1860, why do you think tax-supported public education was deemed impo

Question:I know that wealthy white Americans were advocates of tax-supported education. They supported it because they wanted everyone who voted to be able to cast an educated vote. What do you think other reasons were?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know that wealthy white Americans were advocates of tax-supported education. They supported it because they wanted everyone who voted to be able to cast an educated vote. What do you think other reasons were?

Because it had been initiated and developed in Prussia, and the Germanic peoples brought this with them - starting with Kindergarten on up. The public school system we now know was designed under the direction of the empire to build the industrially, militarily and organizationally compliant culture that was necessary for empire building. It has become an outdated structure that is better than nothing, but inferior to maximizing the potential of each student. It teaches how to be a willing, cooperative cog in the wheel, but does not address empowerment of the individual, or cultivate the business ability or entrepreneurialism that is so necessary in today's and future society. Witness the fact that people leave secondary schools and colleges every day with no knowledge of how to invest, buy stocks/bonds/real estate, budget properly, start and run a business, etc. It's a genuine opportunity for improvement.