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Position:Home>History> I have herad about the 2012 end of the world i think it is kind of stupid what a

Question:It's a popular misinterpretation. According to the Long Count calendar, the 13th 394-day cycle called a b'ak'tun ends on December 20, 2012. However, it is not the "end of the world", just a significant event that will mark the beginning of the next b'ak'tun according to Mayan beliefs.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's a popular misinterpretation. According to the Long Count calendar, the 13th 394-day cycle called a b'ak'tun ends on December 20, 2012. However, it is not the "end of the world", just a significant event that will mark the beginning of the next b'ak'tun according to Mayan beliefs.

There have been countless opinions about the end of the world. My theory is this: the world is going to end when it is supposed to. There isn't much I can do about it. I'm going to live one day at a time. If it does or doesn't happen, I may not be around to see it. If I am and it doesn't (which is my bet), I'm going to make the best out of each day.

I would have to ask you how much information did you hear about Dec. 21st 2010?
It is not only the last day on the Mayan calender (which has been said to be the most accurate calender ever produced but this date is also found on Chinese as well as other prophetic sources. It is based on astrology.
I'm sure if you type in the date on google a ton of info will come up.
I guess we won't know if it's true or not until that date but it is interesting info to know.

Commodore Pike comes to mind. Remember Star Trek the episode where Spock risked everything to take his former commander to a special place he could live his life out. He was terribly injured reduced to a wheel chair. The location was where he could live as if he was free to move about. of-coarse It was it was an illusion he was still in a wheel chair. So 2012 is a Brainstorm or Bust !

there is world war 3 before that

It's a legend passed on by the Mayan belief. Fun to see how they come up with that date, but we shouldn't take it seriously. And even if the world will end in 2012, so what? I am still going to live my life to the fullest. What, you think we should all be depressed and sucidal just because some native Americans come up with the end of the world theory?