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Position:Home>History> Ok can someone tell me details about the famous people or details of these event

Question:these are the wars/events
world war 1 & 2
the great depression
and hitler?
please just wanted to know

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: these are the wars/events
world war 1 & 2
the great depression
and hitler?
please just wanted to know

Corrections about Adolf Hitler. He was not in jail directly after the First World War. He was not a foot soldier, he was a dispatch runner. (The average lifespan of a dispatch runner, running messages between trenches, was measured in minutes. Hitler lived through the whole war, but was injured twice.) After the war, he worked briefly for the army doing work watching political parties, attending meetings etc. That is how he became introduced to the Nazi Party. It was during a putsch, or attempt to take control of the government in Munich in 1922 that he was arrested. He spen five months in jail, but his judges were somewhat sympathetic to his position, as many Germans were. He wrote Mein Kampf in prison (or more accurately, he dictated it). Mein Kampf, however, was never considered a "bible" of any kind. That would be a product of popular history. Many people did own Mein Kampf, but that says nothing about how many people actually read it. Hitler was only a "savior" to some, not to all. Again, a product of popular history. It is open to debate how many Germans actually self-identified as Nazis. Anyway, in 1933, after many years of working as the Nazi Party's leader, Hitler was made Chancellor by the then quite ill and elderly (and possible senile) President von Hindenburg. Later that year, the Enabling Act was passed in the Reichstag, giving Hitler and his appointed ministers tremendous powers over Germany. Therefore he was democractically put in power. I think I'll leave it at that, as this is quite long.

These are huge topics that historians can study their whole lives. If you really are interested, do your own research. You can start anywhere.

We won, they lost, he's dead.

Hilter was in jail after the WWI, where he was bascially a foot soldier. He's autobio mein kempt (my struggle) was used as the bible for Germany. Where he said he was the savior.
The great depression-46% were unemployed
WW2 FDR could barely walk without his leg braces. I think he had polo as a young man. journalist took extra care not to take pictures of him when his legs looked "awkard"
WW2- most soldiers ate spam, one said its the reason war is hell. It's also the reason the soviet soldiers didn't starve.
Vietnam- 1 in 4 returning soldiers were hooked on drugs. Many turned to crime to pay for their addiction.