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Position:Home>History> History WW1 1920s 1930s Great Depression news stories?

Question:For my history term project i need to make a newspaper about either the 1920s, the 1930s (Great Depression), or WW1
I need 5 real news stories for it but i dont know where to find any...
does anyone know of a good website to find actual news stories from any of these time periods????


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For my history term project i need to make a newspaper about either the 1920s, the 1930s (Great Depression), or WW1
I need 5 real news stories for it but i dont know where to find any...
does anyone know of a good website to find actual news stories from any of these time periods????


You should be able to find articles from the 1920s and 1930s in TIME Magazine's online archive. You'll need to know some specific topics to search though. There won't be anything from World War I since TIME was created in 1923.