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Position:Home>History> What country did Abraham Lincoln's forebears come from?

Question:Holland, England, France or Ireland?
I'm really confused about this question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Holland, England, France or Ireland?
I'm really confused about this question.

The ancestors of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States, came from England.

The first of the Lincoln family to come to America was Samuel Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln's grandfather. Samuel had been a weaver' apprentice at Hingham, England.

After arriving in America, he settled in Hingham, Massachusetts, in 1637. From Massachusetts, the Lincoln family migrated southward to Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln's father, Thomas Lincoln, was born in 1778, in Virginia. When Thomas was four years old, the Lincolns moved on to Kentucky.

The rest is history.

~Instead of guessing, why not invest a few keystrokes and look it up. If I said England, Wales, Denmark, Germany and The Ivory Coast, would you believe me? If so, why? muinghan and company give you a nice summary of the Wikipedia family tree of Lincoln's paternal ancestry, but what of the women (the mother, grandmother etc)?


They came from Hingham in Norfolk, England.

The grizzly came from Montana
The koala bear was Australian
The Camembear from France
And the bear cupboard was from Mother Hubbard.

England - Lincoln is an English name

there is a city in England called Lincoln

he was the son of a kentucky woodsman - so his forbears came from england