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Position:Home>History> What happened to the lead singer of journey? steve parry?

Question:He's alive and well! In 2007, he demanded to know the ending to the Soprano's since they were using his song. Lucky duck...he knew before everyone else! =)

Here's a wikipedia entry on him

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He's alive and well! In 2007, he demanded to know the ending to the Soprano's since they were using his song. Lucky duck...he knew before everyone else! =)

Here's a wikipedia entry on him

Steve Perry was hired as Journey's lead singer in the fall of 1977. Unfortunately, drummer Aynsley Dunbar did not get along with singer Steve Perry and did not approve of the new musical direction. He was fired in 1978 and replaced by Berklee-trained jazz drummer Steve Smith.

Back in the mid 90's when journey was getting back together steve perry was hiking in hawaii when he injured his back pretty bad and for some reason he didnt want to get the surgery and thus he couldnt go on tour with them... well when journey heard about this they didnt want him and fired him... well so journey got a new singer Steve Augeri in 1998 but in 2006 augeri was having voice problems and so journey was on the look for a new singer... and between 1998 and 2006 steve perry ended up getting the surgery so there was sepculation that he was going to go back to journey... but he didnt they ended up getting Filipino singer Arnel Pineda in december 2007 and are set to release a new 3 disc cd/dvd pack "revelations" this summer.

As I recall from watching the old VH1 series "Behind the Music", Steve Perry was injured hiking in Hawaii and needed hip replacement surgery to perform.
He didn't want the surgery, the band had waited long enough and was antsy. They insisted touring.
Perry told them to tour without them, but not as 'Journey', because Perry wouldn't be there.
The band disagreed and hired a new singer to replace Perry-permanently!
So, in 1998, Steve Augeri took over as lead vocalist. He had throat problems in July 2006. Jeff Soto was hired to replace him.
The latest lead singer has been Arnel Pineda, a Filipino singer hired in 2007. They have an album due June 3, 2008.

Whoever sings lead for them won't ever truly replace Perry, though. He was truly one of the greats! I miss him.
Hey, didja know American Idol's Randy Jackson played bass and backing vocals for them in the early and late 1980s?