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Position:Home>History> What happened on April 4,1968? Tell me what happened....?

Question:this is the question i need to know but can't find....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: this is the question i need to know but can't find....

Martin Luther King got assassinated. He was standing on a hotel balcony (2nd floor) and a white man shot him. Is that all you need to know?

Try Martin Luther King assassination. That was the only subject on the first 3 pages that I searched for that date. It is on every newscast today.

Perhaps someone is asking you about something obscure, such as your parents' first met or when your school was built.

Martin Luther King Jr was assasinated.

Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated in Memphis TN. I suppose there are other things, but that's what today is remembered for.

Martin Luther King, Jr was assassinated.

a guy in Arkansas did #2....twice.

Martin Luther King Jr was assasinated.

I had a dream...

some rabble rousing communist got killed on a motel balcony