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Position:Home>History> Jack the ripper tour?

Question:dose any one know anything about the jack the ripper tour. is it any good

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: dose any one know anything about the jack the ripper tour. is it any good

Yes, it's well worth doing. Can be scary though.

I heard it's a rip off.

Same as Bill

It's okay up until the bit where some knife-wielding maniac jumps on you and tries to disembowel you and take your intestines out through your nostrils. But other than that it's good.

to be perfectly honest it is good but you have to imagin hard gue to the fact all it is is alot of plack on walls. but if you go with a speacialist tour group you can find out some realy interesting stuff and some scary tails. id sugest going at night and late in the year as its cheaper.