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Position:Home>History> What are your opinions on Anne and Mary Boleyn?

Question:Just curious to find out what other people think.
Like do you think Anne was guilty or innocent? and do you believe Mary had 2 children to King Henry?

whatever your thoughts or opinions, please, share!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just curious to find out what other people think.
Like do you think Anne was guilty or innocent? and do you believe Mary had 2 children to King Henry?

whatever your thoughts or opinions, please, share!

i firmly believe that anne never cheated on henry she put way too much effort into marrying him in the first place to loose him. and honestly if she had i doubt it would have been with her brother and i doubt she would have been caught. Henry just needed a way to get rid of her so he could make way for his next heir-maker.

as for mary, well to be honest im not overly fond of her i think that the majority of mary supporters are unrealistic. mary's whole purpose at court was to be a distraction for Henry, if she wanted to marry him she should not have slept with him first.

and yes i think it is possible that mary gave henry one child however since the information on this is so contradictory on this i cant say for certain she did. i doubt it was two though

Anne was probably guilty of flirting but I doubt she would have gone so far to sleep with another. She put so much into getting Henry that she probably already knew the price. King Henry did have quite the temper anyways.

I think Anne's principle crimes were being a strong enough character to stand up to Henry, something probably no one else at court could do, and being inconveniently around while her lady in waiting Jane Seymour captured the King's eye.

Hardly worthy of losing one's "little neck", in my opinion.

I have this picture in my mind of the Queen's reaction to the charges about sleeping with her brother George, something on the order of "George? Eww!".

As to Mary, I had only ever heard of her bearing one child to Henry.