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Position:Home>History> When the war ended, did rationing end also?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thank you so much for your help :)

Unfortunately no. Rationing was introduced here in UK in c1939 and continued until c1953 [approx 15 years]. I was born in 1941 - I remember rationing coming to a final end in the same year as the Queen's Coronation [I think?].

The links below will explain in more details : -

Food Rationing in World War 2
What was Food Rationing really like in World War 2. ... World War 2 ex
... (the 'Unterseeboot') during World War Two to the Atlantic lifeline, ... - Cached

Food Rationin Books in World War 2 part 2
What was Food Rationing really like in World War 2 what were ration books. ...
World War 2 ex What was Food Rationing really like in World War 2? ... - Cached

BBC - h2g2 - World War Two Rationing in Britain
Created: 23rd May 2001. World War Two Rationing in Britain ... Rationing did not
end with the war. It was years before the country was rebuilt and life got ... - Cached

BBC - Children of World War 2 - Rationing Challenge
Discover how rationing worked, which foods were rationed and which were unavailable
during the Second World War. An interactive game. - Cached

Rationing in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In about two years, Britain had just six weeks food left and, therefore, had to
ration its food supplies. During the Second World War, rationing was ...

The link below will take you to Britain at War. You will hear the voice of Winston Churchill and see pictures of our Green and Pleasant land - but we are at war and our very survival depended upon uniting the people against the enemy. For the one and only time in our entire history, UK was united behind Winston - we were going to win come what may.

YouTube - Britain at War in Colour - 'The Darkest Hour' - part 4
Britain at War in Colour - 'The Darkest Hour' - part 4.

When you go to the link above, you'll see the rest of these videos to your right -

There was a song which came out at the end of the war...something like..."I'm going to get lit up when the lights go on in London...."

The Invincible Red Army - destroyers of Nazi Germany, hold their Victory Parade - Mocba 1945 Hurrah!

YouTube - 1945 Victory Parade in Color (1)
Would you like to comment? Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are
already a member. ... Парад Победы 1945 года | 1945 Moscow Victory Parade ...

Allied Victory Parade

YouTube - Allied Victory Parade, 1946/06/10 (1946)
Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are already a member. ...
Parades in Moscow. 03:43 From: mef83. Views: 2242. 1945 Victory Parade in Color ...

Not straight away.
4th July 1954


I'm pretty sure it went on for a few years; just until there was enough food, etc. to easily feed the country again

depends on the country and the type of merchandise

In the US the rationing stopped almost immediately- once the Army demand dropped. In Eastern Europe (subject to crazy socialist rules) the rationing continued till the early 60's. In Poland it was re-introduced in the 1980's due to the collapse of the socialist economy

Rationing didn't end until1954

Not for a couple of years in the U.K.

Which country are you speaking about, and what type of rationing? In the United States, food rationing eased off pretty rapidly, particularly as our troops returned home and were discharged from the service. It took a while for industry to shift from military production to consumer products.

In Europe, all types of rationing continued for many years after the war was over, I understand. In the Eastern Bloc, some types of rationing continued for several decades.

Here's a link to an interesting article in the wikipedia about rationing in the UK:

Rationing continued until well after the war, and was phased out. Mainly it was gone by the Coronation, at the insistence of Winston Churchill (Prime Minister at the time), but there was a residue for about a year afterwards.

no it didn't it carried on until 1954! although restaurants were exempt from rationing allowing the upper classes to indulge in luxuries that poorer classes could not afford.this caused resentment and thus the black market evolved!banana's were actually the last items to be rationed!

We were still rationed up until 1954. I think sweet were the last thing to be de-rationed but I`m not a 100% sure.

War really never does end. It just goes by way of the hush up act. And we're in a recession and that makes things hard for every one unless they're rich of course. :D You're welcome.

Which war , but rationing always ends sooner or later

It did slowly.

In Britain it continued until 1954. There is a very funny film called 'Passport to Pimlico' which was made a few years after the end of WW2, which shows how rationing was still going on for some years after the war.

No, there was more severe rationing after the war than during it. It didn't end until1954

Ha ha thassa laugh - in the UK it got worse.

No different things came off ration in the 50s. I remember sweets being on ration when I was very small. I think I remember meat and petrol coming off ration as well but I may have heard my parents talking of such things

I was born in 1947, and whilst I do not remember much about the practicalities of rationing, I can remember queueing up with my Mother at the local school to get ration books.

No.......according to my Hubby who's 12 years older than me....sweets were still on ration !!

there was not much to go around anyway. Everyone, had a
victory garden. That went on for a good while. After the Korean conflict, things really started, humming. Loans were
made available to, G.I.'s. And usually, the lady of the house stayed home and raised the children.

No, although I believe sweet rationing went in 1952 when Elizabeth II became Queen.