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Position:Home>History> Historically speaking, who do you think should be on mount rushmore (instead of

Question:who in history deserves a spot on mount rushmore?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: who in history deserves a spot on mount rushmore?

It's fine the way it is except that they have the wrong Roosevelt. Should be FDR. He was absolutely the best.

I think the 4 people they have now are good choices.

They are all deserving. Might be nice to sneak Benjamin Franklin in there, however.

Ronald Reagan
Barak Obama

I have no problem with Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln. However, I agree with the fact that they have the wrong Roosevelt. And yes, if it had been built later, JFK should have been there.

Rev Dr MLK Jr, John Brown the Liberator, Cesar Chavez,
Eleanor Roosevelt

How bout Susan B. Anthony?

Should put in a disclaimer that limits who could be on Mount Rushmore. I know you said instead of, but I'm talking based on when Mount Rushmore was sculpted. It's supposed to represent the first 150 years of the nation and work started around 1927 and ended in 1941. During construction time a fifth person was suggested, Susan B. Anthony, but was left off due to the fact that Congress didn't want to increase the funds to add her. Of course Congress also didn't want to increase the funds to actually complete the work on the four presidents. The original plan was that they woud be carved from the waist up, not merely their heads. Funding ran out before the work could be finished resulting in what we see today.

So the disclaimer would be people important prior to 1927 to have been considered at the time the work was done. With Mount Rushmore now a National Historic Park and Congress highly unlikely to even consider adding on to it, there is no way Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, or Teddy Roosevelt are coming off.

Rather than add to Mt. Rushmore I think it would be cool if the US government made sure that the representation of Crazy Horse was finished first.