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Question:America's refusal to support Britain during the Suez Crisis

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: America's refusal to support Britain during the Suez Crisis

After World War I the the sun finally began to set on the British Empire due to the enormous cost of the war and the fact that the overseas dominions had given the lives of millions of their men for Britain, therefore the calls for Independence started to grow stronger.

During World War II it became evident that Britain although still a strong force in the world was no longer a superpower. We in-debted ourselves to the USA who sold us weapons, tanks, aircraft etc which left the country bankrupt after the war. The US also forced the UK to beg for a loan of 5 billion pounds, 50 billion pounds in today's money (which was only paid off in 2007). This was granted, but on condition that the pound was made convertible. This was done, and Britain's foreign currency reserves drained away in weeks and the birth of America as a superpower had begun.

The Empire was also bankrupt after the war. The government began the process of dismantling it, starting with India in 1947 thus ending the British Empire.

The Suez crisis in 1956 was a major slap in the face for the British notions of still being a major military force and showed the rest of the world that Britain could not act without the support of the US, basically the Brits had had their day!

two wars left the country broke.thats TWO wars err

err, no. The British Empire was already in decline before the second world war.

The breakup of Queen Victoria's family after her death and during the Great war is when it all changed track.

No, it began as soon as England became an Empire. That's the funny thing about Empires, once they exist all they can do is Fall.

The mistake is thinking that any nation should have primacy over any other. It's called hubris and is the reason for all trouble in this world.

no in my opinion the fall of the British empire began with the second Boer war of 1899 in which the entire might of the British empire struggled to beat a few determined farmers clearly showing the ineptness of the British army and government.

What's this british stuff we've all got part of foreign people i doubt if anyone's fully british.

By the time Suez happened there was almost no commonwealth left.

The massive size of the Empire created it's downfall. It was really just a matter of time. The Suez crisis was well after the fact - Britain was already bankrupt and receiving post war aid and food after WW2 by the time the crisis was an issue. Britain could no longer feed it's population and without the Marshall Plan would have had a hard time rebuilding after the war. The Suez crisis just highlighted the decline of the old European empires, that of France and Britain. England's eyes were larger than their stomach - they became overextended and had problems managing the various populations that resented British rule.

After Britain was shown to be weakened by WW2 and no longer to be a real military power, it's former colonies went about winning their freedom. The USSR also opposed Britain in the Suez crisis.

The British Empire received a mortal wound in 1914-1918. It was a long time dying. If you're looking for one specific date (though nothing is ever that simple), it has to be the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947.