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Position:Home>History> In the good ole before alarm clocks, what did people use?

Question:Besides the reliable rooster?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Besides the reliable rooster?

Bell towers were the clocks and alarms for centuries.

Their inner clock and the sun.

I am sure that there were many ways to wake at a certain time each day. One would be repetitive..."you get up at the same time every day so you have a internal clock" The others might be,It could be some thing just as simple as the location of your bed via the window in your room. And you might decide that the time to get up is when the fires almost out and your freezing. Just a few answers that could be part of a series of answers that are correct.

It didn't take many "breakfast treats" before my very impatient, hungry dog learned to wake me up at first light.

If you were well off, a servant would wake you. If not, it didn't really matter. The days before alarm clocks were also the days before electric lighting, factories, railroad schedules, and all the sorts of things that tie modern life to the time. Most people got up with the Sun and worked in the fields all day, they had no need to get up at a particular time. And those were also the days when no one lived alone and everyone had to work all the time, your friends and family would wake you up when it was time to start work.

In brief: In the days before alarm clocks, for the most part no one needed alarm clocks. They were woken by sunrise, roosters, or other people.

(PS: In modern life, only about half of the population uses alarm clocks, the other half can pretty much wake up when they need to.)

Interesting question oddly enough.

Sticks and stones.
