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Position:Home>History> What were the main events of the Northwest Rebellion of 1885?

Question:The North-West Rebellion of 1885 was a brief and unsuccessful rebellion by the Métis people of the District of Saskatchewan under Louis Riel against the Dominion of Canada, which had failed to address their concerns for the survival of their people. Despite some early victories at Duck Lake, Fish Creek and Cut Knife, it ultimately resulted in the complete destruction of all Métis and allied Aboriginal forces, the hanging of Louis Riel, and increased tensions between English Canada and French Canada.

lol hope that helps any

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The North-West Rebellion of 1885 was a brief and unsuccessful rebellion by the Métis people of the District of Saskatchewan under Louis Riel against the Dominion of Canada, which had failed to address their concerns for the survival of their people. Despite some early victories at Duck Lake, Fish Creek and Cut Knife, it ultimately resulted in the complete destruction of all Métis and allied Aboriginal forces, the hanging of Louis Riel, and increased tensions between English Canada and French Canada.

lol hope that helps any