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Position:Home>History> Who wants to strangle Hitler?

Question:I'm studying Anne Frank and the Diary of the Young Girl. i haven't actually read it yet, but I have been talking about Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust, the Gestapo.....And I really do want to strangle Hitler right now, especially since I just read about the book burning. Who else wants to strangle Hitler too and why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm studying Anne Frank and the Diary of the Young Girl. i haven't actually read it yet, but I have been talking about Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust, the Gestapo.....And I really do want to strangle Hitler right now, especially since I just read about the book burning. Who else wants to strangle Hitler too and why?

Me too. What he did to my Grandparents was vile and evil.

What loony bastard believes that his race is the best and that should kill other people of different races and religions!

I wish some would have taken his stupid *** out before it became what it was.

I hate to burst your bubble but Hitler is dead.

Ahh its not just Hitler. In connection to book burning you should look at some of the things Chairman Mao did in China.

I admit, it makes you angry but at the end of the day Hitler couldn't have done what he did without the support of others. The only way to deal with it is to accept the past and move on, learning from the mistakes made. Too many times mistakes made in history repeat themselves.

yea, he took some potassium cyanide and then shot himself in the head, then he had his underlings burn his body

Hitler is a pushover when compared to the regimes of Soviet Russia.

I suppose if he were still alive I would.
But as one other person mentioned, he couldn't have done it without supporters. As vile and horrible as he was, he was an excellent public speaker. He got millions to back him on ...nothing... just from his rhetoric.

Sounds like a presidential candidate we've got now, doesn't it? Scary thought...

Even if you wanted to, you couldn't because he's dead.

I do... But I get scared when people tell me to forget the past... Remember the past, and try to learn from it... The government that freaks most Europeans out today is without doubt the US... The american flag is at this time colored with the blood of hundreds and thousands of innocent Asian lives...

i like hitler he is good and he make garmeny a good country and he killed gay people and not smart people and now if u look at garmeny there smart and nice am just saying look at it in anther way ......